Thursday, May 19, 2016

Milk crates are not just for milk

The centre acquired used milk crates to add to our loose parts collection. The children are encouraged to be creative and use their large muscles to lift, carry, and move them.
They have done wonderful things especially in terms of sharing and team work.
It's takes a lot of strength to balance all those big, plastic boxes in the wheelbarrow. 

Every single crate was used! What great play value.
Check your garage for safe, unused items to bring out into the backyard and see what your children can create with their imaginations.

1 comment:

  1. Warms my heart to see pictures of the children using these crates. I thought they would have great play value after seeing a video from the U.K. about a school that used them. It's still exciting to see it happen in real life. Thanks for sharing. Good idea to invite parents to contribute other items as well.

    Ron Blatz
